Make every day dull things exciting and delightful!★ If you cant save photos to Album, take a photo and save the photo to Album in FingerFace. This bu
Make every day dull things exciting and delightful!
★ If you can't save photos to Album, take a photo and save the photo to Album in FingerFace. This bug was fixed in the ver1.1.4
You can create awesome finger characters using FingerFace.
Decorate your fingers with tens of cute and funny faces, hairstyles, and decorations.
Boast your creativity and awesome finger artwork on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Customize finger characters to resemble your love, friends and family with only two fingers and FingerFace.
It’s a great way to win popularity with your friends.
★ Props
- 325 Different faces
- 148 Hairstyles
- 61 accessories
- 100 clothes
(C) 2013 GMY Studio
Finger Face GMYStudio
✪ v1.2.0
- Made the edit screen larger.
- Added accessory layer view that you can easily select an accessory to edit.
- Added Hiding & Showing for fine control view.
✪ v1.1.4
Fixed the issue that the edited photo was not saved to Album in a particular siuation.
✪ v1.1.3
Improved photo resolution.